Unsurpassed. No other word can adequately describe the Glacier High Temperature Ceramic Coating range.
Formulated to withstand temperatures of over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit and thermal shock from those temperatures directly into water with no adverse effects…
Two Year Standard guarantee.
What this guarantee covers: No burn, no surface lift or *corrosion*
Work procedure includes blast cleaning using clean virgin blast media, alcohol wash, preheating/drying out masking if required and finally the application of ceramic coating/s.
*Cast iron/ mild steel items.*
In order to offer our two-year guarantee for cast iron or mild steel products as manifolds, turbo housings etc, we must apply an alloy plasma metallization coat. This is an optional add on to the work and there will be a further charge made for this. It will be shown as an option on the quotation. This is charged at a discounted rate of 50% of our standard cost. Furthermore by applying this extra coat is will help in reducing further heat loss and also helps to hide some corrosion damage after blast cleaning. The downside is, it will leave a very slightly textured (sandpaper-like) finish…
New to our range of ceramic coating range, Graphite black...
Performs at temperatures above 1000ºc

High Performance Ceramic Coatings
wood and pellet burning stoves,
fireplace inserts
Exhaust systems (i.e. stove exhaust pipes)
Lighting fixtures
Warning… these products must have time to cure to perform at it’s best, so please allow five full days before running up to working temperature, failure to do so will void any guarantees.

Colbolt Ceramic Coating
Our ceramic coatings have become very popular.
Great colours and a rich matte finish.
A very thin, durable, high tech coating.
This is the same product that’s used on exhaust headers & systems.
Porsche parts finished in Glacier silver ceramic coating.

New Titanium finish high tempreture coating
Brilliant finish for that special touch for engine casings, exhuast systems.
Can be applied to alloy wheels, steel frames or high heat surfaces.

Three new ceramic coatings

Examples of our High Performance Coating work….
Prepped & Coated
Prepped and coated in high temperature ceramic coating for the perfect finish.
Cerakote Glacier Black
A recent project – finished in Cerakote glacier black. Our ceramic coatings are designed to prevent corrosion of your investment, whilst resisting chipping and rust.
Range of Colours From Cerakote
Maldon Shot blasting offers a large range of colours from Cerakote. Perfect for tight tolerance applications and typically eliminates the need for masking. Unmatched corrosion, chemical and durability performance.
Cerakote High-temperature Coatings
Our high performance cerakote coatings – available in a variety of colours and finishes to fit any project.
Plasma Coated Manifolds
The manifolds shown have been pre-treated with our plasma coat system and a further ceramic coat applied.
Vapour Blasting – Protecting Your Investment
Vapour blasting or aqua blasting is the same but has different terminology. This will keep your investment looking clean and bright for years to come!
Examples of Cerakote Ceramic Coating
Some examples of parts recently coated with ceramic cerakote. The benefits are endless… contact us for more information on the coatings we offer.
From Port Holes to Pistons
From port holes to pistons. Pistons coated in ceramic microslip anti-friction coating. Port holes bead blast cleaned.
Range of Finishes for Bike Frames
Here at MSB, we offer a range of finishes for bike frames, from powder coated special effects to standard RAL colours. We also offer a range of 2k wet paints & Cerakote for Carbon fibre parts & frames, along with fitting of decals & clear coats.
A Recent Ceramic Coating Project
One of our recent ceramic coating projects. Ceramic coatings not only reduce temperatures, they also offer good protection and a pleasing finish.