High Performance Ceramic Coatings Technical Report
The unique, ceramic-based formulation used in the entire line of exhaust coatings enhances a number of physical characteristics.
High Performance Exhaust Coatings are durable, heat-resistant coatings with excellent long-term performance.
Additionally, ceramic exhaust coatings function as thermal barriers for thermally-sensitive applications.
This report outlines the different high-temperature coatings available and discusses the properties inherent to each.
The thermal barrier capability and chemical resistance of each coating was also studied, and the results of this study are published in this paper.
High Performance Exhaust Coatings are durable, heat-resistant coatings with excellent long-term performance.
Additionally, ceramic exhaust coatings function as thermal barriers for thermally-sensitive applications.
This report outlines the different high-temperature coatings available and discusses the properties inherent to each.
The thermal barrier capability and chemical resistance of each coating was also studied, and the results of this study are published in this paper.
Unlike other “ceramic” coatings, High Performance Exhaust Coating is formulated from the molecular level. All High Performance Exhaust Coatings begin with a liquid resin, and during the cure process, the resin forms a 3-D ceramic matrix.
Additional property-enhancing materials are combined with the raw resin and trapped within the matrix.
This technology creates a durable, heat resistant coating and makes High Performance Exhaust Coatings the premier exhaust coating available on the market today.
Additional property-enhancing materials are combined with the raw resin and trapped within the matrix.
This technology creates a durable, heat resistant coating and makes High Performance Exhaust Coatings the premier exhaust coating available on the market today.
High Performance Exhaust Coatings offers four different types of high-temperature products.
An outline of each of these coatings is shown below in table 1.
As shown, High Performance Exhaust Coatings are available in both ambient-cure and oven cure systems.
Each of the coatings may be used over a number of different substrates, including steel and aluminum.
MC-Series is also commonly used over chrome plating, PVD surfaces, and some types of powder coating for additional protection and to prevent “rain-bowing” due to excessive heat.
The average coating thickness ranges from 0.50-1.0 mil and can be used in areas of low tolerance.

Thermal Barrier Testing
Four different High Performance Exhaust Coatings were tested to determine the potential of each as a thermal-barrier coating. These four coatings are shown in table 2 with their respective properties. Each of these coatings were used to coat a 3′ long section of pipe. The pipes were manufactured of cold-rolled steel and had an inner diameter of 2″. The pipes were cured according to the appropriate cure schedule and then horizontally mounted using 2 clamps spaced 6″ from the center of each pipe. Three thermocouples, one in the center, one 3″ from the inlet and one 3″ from the outlet, were positioned on each pipe. Each thermocouple was held in place using a band clamp. A gas burner was attached to the inlet side of each pipe and the pipes were heated.
According to the following program:
Start condition:
Ambient air at 100 SCFM Ramp to 572°F in 1 minute,
hold for 10 minutes Ramp to 11 l 2°F in 1 minute,
hold for 10 minutes Ramp to 1706°F in 1 minute,
hold for 10 minutes
The air flow rate was maintained at 100 SCFM for the duration of the test.
The inlet gas temperature and the temperatures recorded by the 3 skin thermocouples were also monitored and recorded at 1 second intervals.
The results of this test are illustrated in figure 1 and further explained in table 3.
At temperatures below S72°F, C-7300 Black Velvet performed the best.
Above S72°F V-171 Turbine Coat provided the most thermal protection. At S72°F, using C-7300 Black Velvet as a thermal barrier resulted in a 110°F drop in outer skin temperature. At 1112°F and 1706°F, V-171 Turbine Coat resulted in a 102°F and 18S°F drop, respectively. Afterward, the pipes were examined in order to assess any deterioration in the physical or visual properties.
C-186, C-7300, and V-171 maintained adhesion of SB as well as color and gloss.
W-207/W-3S0 showed a slight loss in adhesion and gloss.
This can potentially be prevented by coating the inside of the pipe with V-171 turbine coat.
Ambient air at 100 SCFM Ramp to 572°F in 1 minute,
hold for 10 minutes Ramp to 11 l 2°F in 1 minute,
hold for 10 minutes Ramp to 1706°F in 1 minute,
hold for 10 minutes
The air flow rate was maintained at 100 SCFM for the duration of the test.
The inlet gas temperature and the temperatures recorded by the 3 skin thermocouples were also monitored and recorded at 1 second intervals.
The results of this test are illustrated in figure 1 and further explained in table 3.
At temperatures below S72°F, C-7300 Black Velvet performed the best.
Above S72°F V-171 Turbine Coat provided the most thermal protection. At S72°F, using C-7300 Black Velvet as a thermal barrier resulted in a 110°F drop in outer skin temperature. At 1112°F and 1706°F, V-171 Turbine Coat resulted in a 102°F and 18S°F drop, respectively. Afterward, the pipes were examined in order to assess any deterioration in the physical or visual properties.
C-186, C-7300, and V-171 maintained adhesion of SB as well as color and gloss.
W-207/W-3S0 showed a slight loss in adhesion and gloss.
This can potentially be prevented by coating the inside of the pipe with V-171 turbine coat.

Duration (min)
Figure 1. Outer skin temperature profile
for 4 pipes coated with CerakoteTM and
one uncoated, cold-rolled steel pipe over
the temperature range ambient-1706°F.

Chemical Resistance
The ability of High Performance Exhaust Coatings to resist chemical breakdown was tested by dipping coated panels into a series of solvents and allowed to sit for 24 hours.
Afterward, the samples were removed, analyzed and assigned a rank depending on the resistance to each specific chemical.
The results of this test are shown in table 4. The performance of TM C-186, C-7300, and V-171 was classified as excellent for the solvent tests.
This indicates that the coating was not affected following a 24-hour immersion in the solvents.
High Performance Exhaust Coatings W-207 /W-350 performed excellent in 9 of the solvents and
performed fair to good in the remaining solvents.
Table 4. Chemical resistance of CerakoteTM C-186, C-7300, W-207 /W-350,
and V-171 to 13 different solvents.
Afterward, the samples were removed, analyzed and assigned a rank depending on the resistance to each specific chemical.
The results of this test are shown in table 4. The performance of TM C-186, C-7300, and V-171 was classified as excellent for the solvent tests.
This indicates that the coating was not affected following a 24-hour immersion in the solvents.
High Performance Exhaust Coatings W-207 /W-350 performed excellent in 9 of the solvents and
performed fair to good in the remaining solvents.
Table 4. Chemical resistance of CerakoteTM C-186, C-7300, W-207 /W-350,
and V-171 to 13 different solvents.